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Traffic Takeoff

Traffic Takeoff

Regular price $44.40 USD
Regular price $74.00 USD Sale price $44.40 USD
Sale Sold out

Ready to watch your {free} traffic takeoff?

Excited to get your shop set up but nervous about the actual "selling" part?

It's easy to feel like the only way to build a successful shop is to show up on Instagram 1000 times and practically beg people to buy (<< who has time for that anyway?)

And then what do you actually SAY to make someone want to buy something without feeling sleazy, sales-y or just plain "icky"?

Well, friend, I'm happy to report that you don't have to give up on sleep or compromise your morals to drive consistent traffic and profitable sales.

Right now there are potential customers searching for exactly the kind of thing you want to sell -- you just need a way to get in front of them, naturally and easily...

...and inside Traffic Takeoff, I'll show you the exact steps I use to optimize my shops for SEO (search engine optimization) to make sure my dream customers find me the moment they're ready to hit that "buy now" button.

Worried you might get confused or that you need fancy tech skills? You most definitely do not.

Inside Traffic Takeoff I walk you through each piece of the optimization process, one step at time.

No confusing jargon. No complicated steps or processes to setup.

Just step-by-step lessons and a 3 piece system:

Together we'll walk through how to find the right keywords (ones that mean your customer is primed and ready to buy,) where and how to use your ideal keywords and last but not at least...

....I'll show you how to analyze your results so you'll know what's working, what's not and how to fix it.

Traffic Takeoff normally sells for $127 but for a limited time, you can get access to the video-based course for just $74.

You could spend your time constantly posting on IG and Facebook, hoping and praying the right person finds you and eventually buys....or you can spend an hour inside Traffic Takeoff and learn how to drive steady traffic on autopilot (even when you're sleeping, eating or playing with your kids!)

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